Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Update Wed @ 9:00am

Good morning! Taylor had a really good night and I think Krissy and Rusty finally got some sleep! Taylor continued to pass urine throughout the night which shows her kidneys are functioning well. This morning she seems to be a little jaundice which is completely normal and nothing to be alarmed about. Also, blood work showed the white blood cell count is down which means the antibiotics are working and the infection is clearing up.

When Krissy and Rusty visited this morning they had a great nurse that really explained what Taylor has been going through and put them at ease. The cord being wrapped around Taylor's neck cut off her oxygen supply. Fortunately her heart and brain have not been effected. But this lack of oxygen could effect other organs (that was the concern with the kidneys). So far, she seems to be recovering well and there is no reason to believe this lack of oxygen will have any negative lasting effects. Also during delivery Taylor suffered from acute respiratory acidosis. This is caused by depression of the central respiratory system and is an abnormality that results from an imbalance between carbon dioxide production by the body and excretion by the lungs. So when Taylor's oxygen supply was cut off her body sent all of the oxygenated blood to her brain, heart and lungs - that left the kidneys, liver and skin without oxygen. This resulted in carbon dioxide in the blood stream.

Hopefully this clears up what has been going on - it has all been very confusing! Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers! Your prayers are moving mountains and Taylor has already made huge improvements! God is also moving in Krissy and Rusty - the strength and courage they have had through all of this is straight from Him! They are so at peace and they know God is holding their sweet baby in the palm of His hand!

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