Thursday, August 11, 2011

Baby is Eating!

Taylor Grace's condition is continuously improving, for which we are so thankful! At 2:15 PM today, the NICU nurse began to prepare a bottle of formula for our little girl; fortunately, we had been stockpiling milk and storing it in the NICU. Our baby's first meal was 5 mL of Mommy's Milk, and when I called the nurse at 5:00 to check on the results of the feeling, I was informed that she has kept it down and will be fed every 3 hours from now in increasing volume.

Again, thank you all so much for your continued outpouring of love and prayers! Taylor Grace is getting stronger by the minute!

I had hoped to post a few videos to this site, but they seem to be too large. I have, however, hosted them at YouTube, so you can take a look by clicking the links below.


Rusty & Krissy

Taylor Grace gazing at Daddy around 7:30 on Tuesday evening:

Daddy's First Diaper Change on Wednesday around 9:00 PM (thanks to Jenna Nerstadt for filming):

Mommy's First Diaper Change on Thursday around 2:00 PM:


  1. Such a sweet little mommy and daddy! I loved the "did I wipe sifficiantly" :) Love you guys, we can't wait to see Taylor Grace again...and y'all :)
